Game: ======================================================= arrows, space, alt (keyboard) Numpad * adds one and switches to missile* Numpad - adds one and switches to laser* Numpad / adds one and switches to eraser* Numpad + adds one life (up to the limit)* Numpad 0 grants infinite shield (still can be cancelled at the left border)* Numpad , initiates a bossfight in random game* Menu: ======================================================= Delete - removes save files C - hold to exit to desktop CTRL + Numpad 1 - start a new game at level 1* CTRL + Numpad 2 - start a new game at level 2* CTRL + Numpad 3 - start a new game at level 3* CTRL + Numpad 4 - start a new game at level 4* CTRL + Numpad 5 - start a new game at level 5* CTRL + Numpad 6 - start a new game at level 6* CTRL + Numpad 7 - start a new game at level 7* CTRL + Numpad 8 - start a new game at level 8* Gamepad (xbox/ps): -------------------- d-pad for movement A/X for enter and standard gun B/O for back and bonus weapon start/options for "back to menu" Level stepping, scripting, movement: ======================================================= F12 - go forward 10 steps* F11 - go forward 1 step* F10 - pause stepping* F9 - go back one step* F8 - go back ten steps* Shift - hold to autorepeat step movement keys* F7 - cycle dev tools (off - scripting - shoot points visible - all markers visible)* F1 - decrease base movement speed by 1 point (0.01)* F2 - increase base movement speed by 1 point* when any scripting tools are enabled, GUI is repurposed as follows: lives: lives bonus type: current level version (missile - 1, laser - 2, eraser - 3, !!! - anything else) bonus amount: base speed score: current level script step Configuration (ini) file: ======================================================= Options: Lights: backlight settings (0 - disable, 1 - enable (v0.9.0.9arc1 and older: 2 - always on)) Sounds: sound settings (0 - disable, 1 - full volume) Shakes: vibration settings (0 - disable, 1 - enable for controller only, 2 - enable sound simulation) Display: emulateNokiaResolution: emulate 84x48 display resolution (disable smoothing) Dev: cheatsEnabled: enable cheats and developer tools randomGame: enables random generated endless game mode (original levels are bypassed) manualSpawning: enables manual spawning continuousSaving: enables continuous saving (save game every n-th tick, 0 to disable) *available only when cheats are enabled some options are for future features or disabled/fused-out ones (currently unavailable/have no effect)